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Works Now with Charles Spada Interiors

I am so pleased to announce that several of my works are now with Charles Spada Interiors at the Boston Design Center.

I have had the pleasure of working with Charles as an interior design writer and author, and am thrilled that we are working together again in this new artistic collaboration.

Charles has achieved House Beautiful magazine’s “Ten Most Beautiful Showhouse Rooms” award and was voted by House Beautiful as one of their “101 Favorite Designers.” He was also received Traditional Home magazine’s “Outstanding Designer” award and received a Citation for Adaptive Reuse and new Construction by The Boston Society of Architects for his work on Channel Center. Charles was inducted into the New England Home Hall of Fame in 2007.

His interior design work has appeared in Elle Décor, House Beautiful, Traditional Home, and Veranda magazine as well as Boston Magazine, Design New England, New England Home Magazine and Interior Design and Architectural Digest Italy. Other projects have been featured in the New York Times, the Palm Beach Post, Boca Raton Magazine, The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald.

Several of his projects have been featured in the Turkish magazine Antik and Dekor, and the HGTV cable network program, “The Best of American Design” and “This Old House.”

His work also appears in numerous interior design books including one of my earlier books East Coast Rooms, Rockport Publishers, and also in Spectacular Homes of New England from Panache (for which he also wrote the introduction).


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